
Gap Tour by Bus from Rize and Hopa

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4 Days

Tour Type

Kültür Turları

Group Size

45 persons


Güneydoğu Anadolu



In our program departing from Rize for the Gap Tour; DIYARBAKIR, the city of the Companions with its walls, history and cultural structure,

MIDYAT, one of the oldest settlements in Anatolia with its original architecture.

MARDİN, the city of stone lands with its historical mosques, churches, architecture and plains.

In our Gap Tour Program from Rize; ŞANLIURFA, the city of Prophets, with its traditional Sıra nights,

HALFETI, which was submerged in the middle of the steppe thanks to the Birecik Dam Lake,

GAZİANTEP, the Gastronomy Center of the Southeast with its Museums, Zoo,

Göbekli Tepe is the oldest known group of cult buildings in the world. GAP from Rize and Hopa (in our Southeast Tour)

GAP Southeastern Tour from Rize Hopa

Our tours continue on the dates determined for the Gap Tour from Rize.


DAY 1. For the Southeastern Gap Tour departing from Rize and Hopa, we will depart from Hopa at 16:30, and after meeting our guests in front of Şeyh Mosque in Rize Center 15 July Square at 18:00, we will continue our journey via Trabzon Erzurum road. Our journey will continue by taking appropriate breaks on the road.






DAY 2 After our night journey, we arrive in Gaziantep, the center of Gastronomy Tourism, which is famous for its rich cuisine, early in the morning. After meeting with our GAP Tours expert professional guide, we will relieve our tiredness with a wonderful breakfast famous for its local products. After our breakfast, we visit Antep Castle, Bakırcılar Bazaar, Baklavacılar, Elmacı Market, Yemeniciler, Sedefçiler Bazaars and visit Emine Göğüş Culinary Arts Museum. Then, we sip our coffee at Tahmis Coffeehouse, a 600-year-old coffeehouse. In your free time, you can do your shopping according to the recommendations of our guide. After the Free Time, we drive to the Zeugma Mosaic Museum and visit the mosaics that were saved from being submerged by an international study during the water collection period of the Birecik Dam and which led to the establishment of one of the most important Mosaic Museums in the world. We leave Gaziantep after having our lunch break, and then, after a free break in the Bedesten, we reach Birecik and visit the Bald Ibis Bird Conservation Center here. We reach Halfeti, which is the first place that comes to our mind when Black Rose is mentioned, and which is under the waters of the Birecik Dam, which was recently established on the Euphrates River. We will see the Greek Castle and the flooded villages during our trip on the Dam Lake with our guests who wish. At the end of our Extra Boat tour, after having a tea and photo break in Halfeti, we get on our Ezgi Turizm vehicle and move to Şanlıurfa, where we will stay. After arriving at our hotel, we will go to our guesthouse for the Sıra Night, which is one of the best examples of Urfa Culture that we have organized for you, and we will experience unforgettable moments together.






DAY 3 We start the 3rd day of our GAP Tour from Rize to the Land of Civilizations in Şanlıurfa. After the open buffet breakfast at our hotel, we move to see Göbekli Tepe. We reach Göbekli Tepe, which was included in the historical heritage list by UNESCO in 2018 and witnessed the zero point of history that changed the course of history, and we receive historical information from our guide. The story of Göbekli Tepe, located near Örencik Village in Şanlıurfa Haliliye district, begins in 1963, thanks to a villager who found a carved stone he found while plowing his field and took it to the museum. In the studies carried out jointly by the German Archaeological Institute and Şanlıurfa Museum since 1995, "T" shaped obelisks with wild animal figures belonging to the Neolithic age, 2-6 meters tall and weighing 40-60 tons, were found and we witnessed this moment when history was rewritten. We will. After completing our trip to Göbekli Tepe, we returned to Şanlıurfa Center, where our patience and patience were severely tested. While visiting the tomb of Prophet Ayyub, our guide was Hz. He will tell us about the life of Prophet Ayyub in his dervish lodge. As we continue our trip, we reach Balıklıgöl. After Rizvaniye and Halil'ür Rahman Mosques, Ayn-El Zeliha Lake, we visit the tomb of the Prophet Abraham. We will leave you alone with your shopping in the free time we will give in Gümrük Han and its surroundings. After the Free Time, we move to Mardin and settle in our 5***** hotel where we will have dinner and accommodation. Live Music Entertainment at the Hotel






DAY 4 After breakfast, we go to Mardin Center and start walking around Mardin. Kırklar Church, Mardin Museum, Cumhuriyet Square, Virgin Mary Church, Protestant Church, Şeyh Çabuk Mosque, Latifiye Mosque, Bay Window House, Ulucami, Historical Bazaars, Carpenters, Coppersmiths, Jewelers etc. Girls' Vocational High School gate, Zinciriye Madrasa, Şehidiye Mosque, Old PTT Building , Sabancı Museum and Sitti Radviye Madrasa are our most important sightseeing stops. After free time in the bazaar, the Artuqid periodWe visit Kasımiye Madrasa, one of the important monuments of the city, the construction of which was started in 1966 and completed during the Akkoyunlu period, and then we return to our 5***** hotel in Midyat. Live Music Entertainment at the Hotel






DAY 5 Today is the 5th day of our Rize Gap Tour. After our breakfast, we visit the Deyrulumur Mor Gabriel Monastery, which is the metropolitan center of the Tur Abdin region. Then, as we return to Midyat center and tour Midyat on foot, we see the Midyat Houses, handcrafted by Assyrian masters, the State Guest House, one of the most beautiful houses of Midyat, which is also used as a movie set, and the Midyat Bazaars. After our free lunch, we go to Diyarbakır. First of all, we visit the house where Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı, one of the important names of our literary world in Diyarbakır, known for his 35-year-old poem, was born and which currently serves as a museum. This house is also the best example of Diyarbakır civil architecture. We visit the Diyarbakır Grand Mosque, the V. Harem-i Şerif, established in Anatolia, within the walls, which is believed to be one of the oldest mosques in Islamic history. We go up to the Goat Bastion, the oldest of the Diyarbakır walls, whose construction date and the civilization that built it are unknown, but it is known to have a history of 9000 years. When we look towards the Tigris River from here, we see and photograph the 10-Eyed Bridge and Hevsel Gardens built on the Tigris River. Afterwards, we visit the approximately 130-year-old Cemil Pasha Mansion, which is now opened as the City Museum. We drink our fatigue tea at Sülüklü Inn. After seeing the Mardin Gate and New Gate panoramicly, we head back. We have come to the end of our Rize Hopa Gap Tour. On the way back, we drop our guests off at the points we picked up in Rize and Hopa. See you on our next Tour….






Rize Gap Tour

Rize Southeast Tour

Hopa Gap Tour

Hopa Southeast Tour


Profesyonel Rehberlik
Lüls Turizm Aracıyla Ulaşım
3 Sabah Kahvaltısı
3 Akşam Yemeği
Araç İçi İkramlar
Tursab Seyahat Sigortası (Sağlık Sigortası Değildir)
Öğle Yemekleri
Müze ve Ören yeri Ücretleri
Özel Harcamalar
Sıra Gecesi ve Tekne Turları
Dahillerde belirtilmemiş harcamalar
İlk Gün ve Son Gün Yolda Yapılan Yemek vb. Harcamalar



Tarih ve Kültür
Doğa ve Spor
Aile ve Çocuklar
Lüks ve Konfor
Yiyecek ve İçecek
Otel ve Konaklama
Ulaşım ve Transfer

Tur Süresi

3 Gece

Ulaşım Tipi

Bölge Buluşmalı

Gürcistan Turları İçin Önemli Bilgiler

Yurtdışı / Gürcistan Turlarında Yeni Tip Çipli TC Kimlik Kartı veya Geçerli Pasaport Gerekmektedir. Bebek, Çocuk, Genç, Yetişkin Yaş Fark Etmeksiniz Kimliklerinde Fotoğraf Olması Gerekmektedir.
Yurtdışı Turlarındaki Gümrük İşlemlerinde Pasaport, Kimlik ve Diğer Yasal Nedenlerden Ötürü Doğabilecek Her Türlü Olumsuzluktan Misafir Sorumludur. Seyahat Acentesi Sorumluluk Kabul etmemektedir.
Günübirlik Turlarda; Tur Kalkış Saatine 24 Saat Kala, Konaklamalı Turlarda; 14 Gün Kala İptal, İade ve Değişiklik Yapılmamaktadır. Misafirin Belirtilen Sürelerden Önce İptal, İade ve Değişikliği Seyahat Acentesine Yazılı Olarak Bildirmesi Gerekmektedir.
18 Yaşını Doldurmayan Çocuklar ile Birlikte Hem Annesi Hem de Babası Bulunması Gerekmektedir. Eğer Herhangi Biri veya Her İkisi de Bulunmayacak ise Noterden Muvafakatname Alınması Gerekmektedir.
Türkiye ve Gürcistan Ülkelerinin Gümrük Kurallarında Belirttiği Madde ve İlaçlarla Gürcistan Sınır Kapısından Geçmek Yasaktır. Yasak Maddeler ve İlaçlar ile Gümrükte Yaşanabilecek Tüm Olumsuz Durumlardan Misafir Sorumludur.
Günübirlik veya Konaklamalı Turlarda; Kalkış veya Alınış Noktasına Belirtilen Gün ve Saatte Ulaşım Sağlamak Misafirin Sorumluluğundadır. Misafirin Ulaşımında Aksama veya Gecikme Yaşaması Durumunda İptal, İade ve Değişiklik Yapılmamaktadır.
Belirtilen Gün ve Saatlerde Kalkış veya Alınış Noktasında Olmayan Misafirlerimizin Turlarında İptal, İade ve Değişiklik Yapılmamaktadır.
Misafirin Tur İptal Mücbir Sebepleri: Yolcu veya Birinci Derecede Akrabasının 10 Günlük Mutat İştigaline Engel Hastalığı veya Ölümü, Tam Teşekküllü Devlet Hastanesinden Alınmış Resmi Kurul Raporu Olması, Taraflarca Mücbir Sebep Kabul Edilmektedir.
Seyahat Acentesinin Tur İptal Mücbir Sebepleri: Olumsuz Hava Şartları, Yol Engeli, Grev, Terör, Savaş ve İhtimali, Yeterli Sayının Olmaması, Öngörülmez Teknik Hususlar, Turun Başlamasına Engel ise Taraflarca Mücbir Sebep Kabul Edilmektedir.

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Member Since May 2021

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